State paid rehabilitation program within the financial capacity (quotas)
A referral from a doctor or specialist is necessary.
- advanced application
- a special filled form (Nr. 027/u) from physical and rehabilitation specialist or rehabilitator
medical rehabilitation service for basic-diagnosis treatment in a multi-professional team (including 3 function methods, physical and rehabilitation nurses) basic or intensive rehabilitation course type:
- specialist consultation and daily medical supervision and care;
- initial psychotherapist consultation and exercises (exercises in the swimming pool included);
- speech therapist consultation and classes;
- initial ergotherapist consultation and classes;
- psychologist consultation and classes or art therapist consultation and classes or physical and rehabilitation nurses (patient education, physical procedures, hydrotherapy procedures as well as clay, mud applications (price depends on the number of areas);
- laboratory examinations according to the assignment of a specialist.
- State-specific patient contribution Euro 7.00 for every working day at day hospital (except people who are exempted from it according to the laws and regulations, including poor people).
- Catering expenses according to the price list.
- Day-to-day accommodation expenses (children under 12 years 70%, children under 2 years – for free). Patients who stay at day hospital during the day do not pay for the accommodation.
- Accommodation costs for rooms Nr. 403-410 is Euro 25.00 (breakfast included) for every working day.
- Medical service according to the price list.
- Medical supervision and care: 50% from the doctor set daily medical supervision and care level cost, starting from the second level.
- Personal hygiene belongings (diapers, pampers).
- Analyses check out (except children under 18 years and pregnant woman).
*poor people who are acknowledged to be according to the regulatory enactments. Entering the center show the notice.
- Catering and day-to-day accommodation costs according to the price list.
State paid rehabilitation program within the financial capacity (quotas)
(same as day hospital) and for a fee according to price list of the Centre.
- Rehabilitator physician medical consultation, including patient visit at home.
- Initial physiotherapist consultation and exercises (including classes in the swimming pool).
- Ergotherapist consultation and exercises.
- Speech therapist consultation and exercises.
- Laboratory examination according to the specialist referral.
- Physical therapy services for children under 18 years.
- Doctor’s confinement where rehabilitation plans are set for people who are ill for a long term and are in their working ages.
- State-specific patient contribution Euro 4.00 for every ambulatory doctor visit.
- Medical service according to the price list.
- Laboratory examination (except children under 18 years and pregnant woman).
State paid rehabilitation program within the financial capacity (quotas)
- A referral from physical rehabilitation doctor.
- One specialist classes a day (physiotherapist, ergotherapist or speech therapist) and specialist travel expenses (till 50 km).
- Physical rehabilitation doctor consultation at home (till 50 km).
- Ligatne parish
- Specialist travel expenses to the place of patients residence that is further than 50 km according to the price list;
- Medical service according to the price list.
Family doctor consultative phone number: 66016001
Free of charge informative phone number: 80001234
Information about The National Health Service agreement you can get at
Rehabilitation center “Līgatne”.
Head of the office Sigita Trauliņa, telephone number 64161911
Rehabilitation center „Līgatne” has cooperation agreements with two insurance companies: BTA, AS BALTA, AAS Gjenisidige Baltic (in-patient rehabilitation), Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group SE, as well as AS Seesam insurance Latvian branch.
Depending on insurance type, separate medical rehabilitation services prepay other insurance companies (for the information clients need to address the agents of their companies).
Rehabilitation services prepayment is possible for in-patient rehabilitation, for patient contribution, as well as for outpatient rehabilitation.
Information about the secondary ambulatory medical care service and payment agreement Nr. 1-1964-2016 patient can get at the office manager – phone number: 64161911 or by e-mail:
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